To Accelerate The Development Of Semiconductor Lighting
Date: 2013-12-31

China's semiconductor lighting market research from CCID Consulting showed that with the strong national policy to promote manufacturing costs down and luminous efficiency related technologies continue to make breakthroughs, China's semiconductor lighting market began to enter the market introduction phase of rapid development. In 2012, China's semiconductor lighting market reached 30.3 billion yuan, an increase of 43.3%. At present, China's semiconductor lighting market penetration is still low, can replace traditional lighting huge market space, China's semiconductor lighting market in the next few years will maintain rapid steady growth. With the miniaturization of electronic products, low power consumption trend has been imperative, so the end product manufacturers are made ​​of various components miniaturization, LED is no exception. Now, with the single LED chip power and brightness rising, in cooling technology to optimize the premise of semiconductor lighting products suppliers are actively developing more volume advantages of LED products, semiconductor lighting products miniaturization and integration has become the development direction.

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