In 2020 Power Electronic Component Sales Have Been Expanding
Date: 2014-01-02
By 2020 , renewable energy , rail transportation, industrial power inverter and fast-growing industries such as power electronics market will drive sales of discrete devices reach 15 billion U.S. dollars. With the performance of silicon-based power electronic devices getting close to its theoretical limit , SiC and GaN devices will seek to enter the power electronics market, is expected to 2020 , SiC and GaN power devices will receive 14% and 8% market share. The future development of power electronic components market will be more concentrated in SiC and GaN technology innovation .LuxResearch predicted that by 2020 , based on SiC or GaN power electronics components will account for 22% market share , sales reached $ 3.3 billion .SiC devices because of maturity and better reliability , the pace of development will lead GaN. GaN power devices is currently a leading supplier of : EPC ( EPC ), Transphorm and IR.SiC power devices growth impetus came mainly from the field of renewable energy in the solar market share will reach 32% in the field of rail transportation , SiC and GaN applied fairly , it is expected that by 2020, the market share of between 16% and 15% in the IT and electronic equipment market , GaN SiC advantage over estimated 2020 market share of up to 14% in the building market , GaN devices promising , an estimated $ 2.4 billion market.In the past five years, investors in SiC and GaN devices had invested more than 200 million U.S. dollars , Transphorm, EpiGaN, GaNSystems and Azzurro company has completed several rounds of fund-raising ; Fairchild acquisition TranSiC, Infineon acquired SiCed, ROHM acquisition SiCrystal, South Korea SKC acquisition Crysband.
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